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Head Office Tel:+86 471 5169000

Southern Divisions:+86 757 22101080

Manager Wu of Sales Department:+086.15024927779

Fax:+86 471 5165688


Address:Qingshuihe Economic&Technological Development Zone,Hohhot City,Inner Mongolia,China.

Company News

Company Summary and Work Plan of the Meeting

ADD Time:2019-01-30From: Inner Mongolia Sanxin Kaolin Company LimitedViews:1662

In the January 29 meeting of the company summary and work plan of the meeting, all staff introduced work content in 2018, including production personnel, sales personnel, logisticians and indoor staff. They also raised the problems existing in the work and put forward the corresponding solutions.These work provide strong guarantee of the next year’s work carries out smoothly. Company has made great achievements in sales and production in 2018, which  was obtained highly approvals from Chairman Mr Li. In 2019, The work will focus on sales, and development of special products. Chairman Mr Li said:’’ I hope that our company will step on a higher level and make a more magnificent progress in 2019.’’
