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Company News

building a beautiful green home planting trees

ADD Time:2021-04-12From: Inner Mongolia Sanxin Kaolin Company LimitedViews:262

In March, spring blossoms . In order to deepen the greening construction and improve the employees' awareness of protecting the environment and loving our homes,  company held the activity of "building a beautiful green home together and planting trees". Company leaders and employees about 30 people participated in this activity.
The weather is beautiful, carefully before the activity for the earth sprinkled nectar, the land is wet, especially suitable for planting trees. Precisely at half past eight in the morning, everyone gathered at the factory gate. The staff distributed tree planting nameplates and tools, and everyone went to their respective responsibility areas to plant trees. In order to let the saplings better absorb nutrition, the company specially prepared organic fertilizer soil. Planting began, we have dug the hole in the organic fertilizer, hold the saplings, fill, watering, in a short time, a large area of land are planted with saplings. In a hot and happy atmosphere, a group of people completed the planting of about 100 saplings, dedicated a brilliant day for the construction of a beautiful home. With the continuous promotion of the new round of production and construction of the factory expansion, the staff's spirit of dedication to the job and teamwork has been further improved.

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